Facebook & WhatsApp in Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying has turned out to be the most common online crime at the present time. Online bullying is not different than traditional face-to-face harassment at schools and workplaces. However, bullying via online platforms is sometimes more dangerous and can have a severe impact than traditional bullying. The cyberbully can keep his identity hidden and approach the victim from anywhere in the world.
It is pertinent to mention here that social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp have been playing a big role in online bullying. The persecutors take the support of the online socializing and communication apps to access the target. This article discusses how Facebook and WhatsApp facilitate harassers and how we can combat cyberbullying and can ensure the protection of our loved ones.
What is Cyberbullying?
The cyberbullying or online bullying can be defined as the frequent use of social media apps, emails, messengers, blogs, chat-rooms, and online platforms to tease, harass, offend or humiliate someone. For example, if you are receiving threatening messages from someone via instant messenger, you are a victim of cyberbullying. If someone frequently makes humiliating comments on your younger child’s social media posts, your kid is being bullied.
Role of Social Media and Instant Messengers in Bullying
The social media apps and instant messengers provide safe heaven to harassers by letting them keep their identities hidden. It is not difficult to create an account on social networking platforms with a fake identity. Even the commonly used social media apps like Facebook fail to provide tools to verify a user’s identity or check the authenticity of the data provided.
Facebook and Online Bullying
Facebook is the most popular social media platform having billions of users worldwide. The social networking site allows user to post or share photos, videos, links, events, and stuff of own choice. Whatever the user posts or shares get comments or feedback from Facebook friends. The Facebook messenger allows users to exchange messages, share media and make audios and video calls to individuals and groups.
The social media app enables persecutors to make offending posts to defame the target; humiliating comments to make fun of the target, and threatening messages to harass the victim. Moreover, the social app allows the oppressor to keep identity hidden or provide false data to off course the victim.
WhatsApp and Online Bullying
WhatsApp is the most commonly used instant messenger at the present time. It allows users to exchange text, stickers, media, GPS location, links, documents, and files of different formats. The user can also make one-on-one or group audio and video calls. The bullies misuse features of the instant messenger to harass the target. If the bully has your contact number, he can send you distressing messages via WhatsApp until unless you block the bully.
How to Protect your Loved Ones from Cyberbullying
The majority of cyberbullying victims are younger boys and girls. Usually, kids do not inform their parents about bullying because they think their privileges would be taken back. The uninformed parents fail to protect their children from bullying and make them suffer from several mental and psychological issues. However, the latest technology has enabled parents to protect their kids from cyberbullying even if their kids do not report to them.
There is a Facebook and WhatsApp spy app online like TheOneSpy that allows parents to supervise the online activities of their children to protect them from the potential threats of the digital world. Once you install the app on the smartphone of your kids, you can get access to social media chats and posts of kids without accessing their phones.
Monitor Facebook App
The high-tech social media tracking apps enable parents to keep track of kids’ activities performed on Facebook and many other social media apps. The app syncs Facebook posts and chats and uploads the data to the secret web portal which can only be accessed by parents. It lets you detect bullying messages, embarrassing comments, and offending posts. If your kid is being a victim of cyberbullying through Facebook, you can necessary measures to block or report the bully.
Spy on WhatsApp Messenger
The monitoring app lets you track WhatsApp and many commonly used instant messaging apps. You can access instant messages, voice recordings, photos, videos and data exchanged by your kids via instant messenger. If your kid receives frequent harassing calls from the bully, the spy on WhatsApp lets you know about it and provide you with the contact detail of the oppressor. Moreover, you can remotely supervise and record WhatsApp activities of your loved ones to make their online journey safe.