Tech write for us – Techkalture

Tech write for us – Techkalture


Techkalture technology write for us : We all learn something new every day, so we like to share our secrets and our discoveries and ideas. We will help you write an article that is worth staying but the most important thing is to have something to say. It’s your journey into the unknown for the first time…, maybe a little harder.

Our main goal is to give our readers unique content. It is our honor to become the medium through which you will share your truth. Experiences, ideas, images to turn into a truly epic article. Your work will take and promote and state your identity theoretically and practically! Your signature and contact details will be clearly in the article.

How do we start?

Below you will find basic instructions for whatever information you need.

What kind of articles do we publish?

We publish articles belonging to the categories:

  • Technology
  • Business, marketing
  • Gaming, Social media
  • New Technologies

you will notice on our page the category Technology. In this category, we publish Tech articles, and of course, they do not belong to the category of epic articles. But if you have some to suggest to us for a new tech topic do not hesitate to tell us.

The format of the articles could be empirical, instructional/educational, opinion and knowledge,

Which audience are we addressing?

Our readers are cultured a little more sought after and read. They are interested in truth but not misery and negativity.

We appeal to readers who are interested in the essential content. They do not waste their time on meaningless quests.

What will we ask you?

The first thing you will send us is a general idea of ​​your article. Title and a general sketch. Once this is approved:

  • This article should be an authentic article about then weekly and not something you have posted elsewhere.
  • You will work with the author who will be assigned to you and you will be open to some instructions if needed.
  • The article may not have links to external pages that we have not approved and references to persons and places that have not been approved as well.

technology write for us

What will techkalture do for you?

Creating epic content is a two-step process:

  • We have the knowledge and experience to make your article epic. Let’s take it one step further that gives value to both you and us.
  • You will have your own signature on the article with the contact details you choose. As well as a link for a social profile or personal page.
  • We will share and promote your article on social media.
  • We will keep your article as it is for as long as we exist.

Details of the process?

We aim to help you publish your best work to us. Unless you have a draft of the article that would be good for publication on our platform, we suggest you contact us at stating:

  1. A sketch summary of the article.
  2. Or tell us a topic you intend to address. Give us enough information to understand what it is about.
  3. Link to your older articles if there are any or examples of your articles.

We like to learn and evolve and we want the same from our partners. We are here to share this journey!




KS – A Digital Marketing Expert By PASSION but not only by PROFESSION. Interest in making knowledge available to everybody made my entry into Online digital Marketing. Responsible for enforcing more than a few trade strategies and generate organic, paid effects grabbing attention of potential users. Helps businesses use information to power digital alternate and influences folks with the ideas of Digital Marketing.