Latest weather forecast vreme

Vreme It will be partly cloudy in the east and north in the afternoon, with mostly cloudy elsewhere. Especially in western places, it will occasionally rain or rain slightly. The south-westerly wind will be winding, which will be most pronounced in higher regions and in the northeast of Slovenia. Maximum daily temperatures will be 5 to 10, in the east up to 13°C. Tomorrow in Primorska and Notranjska will be mostly cloudy with some drop of rain, elsewhere it will be relatively sunny. There’s going to be a southwest wind. The lowest morning temperatures will be from 4 to 9, in northern places around 0, maximum daily from 10 to 16 °C.
Outlook for Slovenia
Also on Friday and Saturday, there will be more cloudiness in the west and more clearing in the east of Slovenia. Especially in the hilly western towns, it will occasionally rain slightly. It’s going to be warm, the southwest wind’s going to blow. From 7 to 12 February the Polar Front will ripple across southern Europe and the northern Mediterranean. Cloudy weather will prevail with occasional rainfall. It’s going to rain mostly down the lowlands.
Forecast for neighbouring provinces
Today, it will be mostly cloudy along the Adriatic and in the neighboring provinces of Italy, with some rain, elsewhere it will be partly clear. The reinforced southwest will blow. Tomorrow will be mostly cloudy in Istria and Kvarner, especially in Gorsko Kotar. Elsewhere, it will be partly clear and fairly warm. The southwest wind’s going to blow.
Weather picture
There is a large cyclone area above north-west Europe. With the increased winds of the west direction, gradually warmer and weasier air flows towards us. Tomorrow there are several cyclone areas over Europe, and an area of high air pressure has formed over the central Mediterranean. From the southwest, relatively warm and moist air is flowing towards us.
Weather impact forecast
On Thursday and Friday, the impact of the weather on the wellbeing will be mostly favourable, only the weatheriest will be able to have minor weather-related problems.
FORECAST UV index in clear weather in the middle
of the day reaches a value between 1 and 2.
In other lowland areas, the development of flowers is slower, only the leggings on the heat-favorable growth areas bloom, here we expect a slow increase in load to medium high values in the coming days. In the lowlands, gray aerasur has begun to release pollen, the widespread black aerae does not bloom in the Primo by-starries and the ice, and in dry weather the load will be locally medium high. It’s good to know: On foggy mornings, the release of pollen from the flowers into the air is hampered. The announcement is made in cooperation with NLZOH.