Write For Us: Share Your Expertise&Contribute to Our Growing Community

Yes, you. We’re always searching for new tech “guest post” authors. If you’ve got got an inspiration that may challenge our tech “write for us” readers and move our industry forward, we would like to listen to about it. Tech “guest article” But you don’t have to sit up for a concept which will redefine articles for Tech “this may be a guest post by”.
Just aim to bring tech “contributing writer” readers a fresh perspective on a subject that’s keeping you up in the dark. We’ll be honest, though: Tech “want to write down for” Techkalture takes work.
We want your article Tech “submit blog post” to be at its best, and we’ll push you to urge there. Once accepted, you’ll get extensive feedback from our team, and Tech “suggest a post” you’ll work closely with an editor on revisions. It’s also rewarding Tech Blog “guest post”. Thousands of your Tech Blog “write for us” peers (and potential employers, clients, or publishers) will read your work, and Tech Blog “contributing writer” you’ll also learn lots within the process—about cooperating your ideas, about writing, and even about the topic you supposed you already knew so well once you started.
What we’re trying to find
You may Tech Blog “guest article” submit a rough draft, a partial draft, or a brief pitch (a paragraph or 2 summarizing your argument and why it matters to our tech readers) paired with a top-level view. The more complete Tech Blog “wants to jot down for” your submission is, the higher feedback we will provide you with. confine mind that we only accept Tech Blog “this could be a guest post by” original content— Tech Blog “submit blog post” we don’t publish anything that’s been published elsewhere (including on your blog).
Before you submit, take a look at our style guide and recent articles for insight into structuring and formatting your piece, and confirm your Article submission:
• Write For Us — Guest Post Submission Guidelines encompass an opinion and offers a transparent argument—not just an inventory of tips and tricks.
• Has a voice. Be brave, thought-provoking, and human.
• Is written for an audience of designers, content strategists, developers, information architects, or similar.
• Is supported with convincing arguments, not just thoughts. Fact-check, and name sources where appropriate.
• Follows our tech blog style guide.
For some wise words on the writing process, see having any Idea to Contribute on Web and Tech? Write for Us “Writing is Thinking”. You should also take a look at “So You Want to Write an Article?” to review about common problems we see in proposals and the way you’ll avoid them.
What we publish
Write for Us — Technology IT Blog and Grow Your Reputation we publish articles of anywhere between 700 to 2,500 words, betting on subject complexity. 1000+ words are about normal. Articles often run with a custom design. Today tech Media articles are also casual in tone and content—Tech News great for less-intensive tutorials and posts or severely structured and edited. Technology Tips Guest Post all should be well-considered examinations of current and cutting-edge topics within the web industry.
How to submit (and what happens next)
Email us your submission to the tech blog. We prefer technology tips guest post submissions as Google documents in order that leading tech editors can easily provide feedback and guidance directly within your draft. you will also send us a Marketing Tech News plaintext file, a Markdown file, or a link to an HTML document. (Please don’t send a zipped file of assets unless requested by an editor.)
Here’s what happens after you hit Send:
• Write For Us 2020 an editor will review your submission and determine whether it’s a Knowledge potential fit. If so, the full team will review and discuss it. This happens once every week.
• The leading tech blog editor will collect the team’s feedback and find back to you with notes. (We rarely accept a piece the primary time around, but we’ll tell you if we’re interested.)
• Once you’ve provides a talk our comments, send your revised draft back. The Marketing Tech News team will discuss it again and allow you to know if we wish to just accept it.
• If we accept your article, a technology guest post editor will work closely with you on things like organization, argumentation, and style.
• We’ll schedule your guest post submission for publication as soon as revisions are complete. We can’t provide you with a selected publication date until the article is sort of able to go live.
To submit a post to Techkalture.com, email us your article to info@techkalture.com