Tips on writing a good essay: guidance for ambitious students

It is far from the most pleasant topic for those who find it difficult to write an essay on a specific topic. But in fact, this is not so scary, because the essay should express only your opinion on the issue or topic, well, sometimes you can attach your favorite quotes or criticism of experts. Therefore, let’s get down to what is worth doing as soon as you understand that you need to write an essay.
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Universal outline of writing a good essay
Explain to yourself your attitude about the topic. Let us give you an example: How do you feel about the betrayal of one of your partners? Is this normal from the point of view of your perception of the world? Think about whether it is right or immoral, and start writing step by step, from point to point:
- Position statement. Formulate your position and, if you deem it necessary, write it in a short phrase: “I believe that …… because ……. And I think it’s worth it…. “. You can not only use this template to write your opinion on the issue, come up with something that will reflect your position. The main thing is not to go into an excessive set of words, which you won’t understand later. Everything should be short and clear, even to someone who is out of the picture.
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- Introduction. If you have set the topic and your opinion, you can proceed to the introduction. In general, this is considered the most difficult, because the introduction is like a name for a ship, as you name the boat, so shall it float, the same thing with the text. You should not, of course, take hackneyed templates from the category: “In a galaxy far far away…” or “For a long time people …”. It is boring and you yourself will be bored to read it, although your thoughts are certainly worth a normal and unhackneyed phrase composition. The easiest way to start is to ask: “Is cheating acceptable for modern society or not?” And then you can already answer as you think and at the same time apply your short answer, which was written above. You can also use some personal experience in the introduction. Why not, it will give you confidence that you are in the picture, and the reader that you are not going to lecture about what is right, because it is right.
- The main body should cover the topic. In the introduction you mark the boundaries, and in the main body you go deeper and show the position to the smallest detail with expert opinions and interspersed personal experience.
- In the conclusion, you feather the edges and in this case give your essay or a review form and completeness. In fact, you are saying the same thing that you said at the beginning, but as if from the side of the beholder. For example: “I believe that cheating on each other is… .., but this is everyone’s business, how he will act with his soul mate, etc.” The conclusion allows the reader to reflect on the topic oneself, at the same time to accept your position and form one`s opinion on the issue.
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Stylistics of work
The language and art media of the essay is an important part of the work, which is worth talking about in more detail:
- Supporting your opinion with facts from life, from books, films and even biographies of famous personalities can be an excellent argument and give the work semantic value.
- Small volume. You must not forget this, because if you are writing a dissertation and scientific work, then you are mistaken with the section. With an essay, the situation is like this: you do not need to write a small essay of more than 5 pages, albeit in a large handwriting. Approximately 10 sentences in the introduction will suffice, approximately 20 in the main body and 5 in the conclusion. Does it seem a little? This brings us to another criterion.
- Subjectivity and simplicity. Even your complex thoughts can be explained clearly and vividly. An essay is not a resume or a scientific work, but your view of the problem, additionally structured for common people. Everything about this work should be subjective and short.
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In terms of style, your essay should be written in your language, and not a bureaucratic language, of course, profanity is not particularly welcome. Write simply and without those words that only you or a narrow circle of people knows. If your argumentative essay is filled with scientific terms, explain them shortly and clearly, without spreading and lyrical digressions. For this, readers will mentally say “thank you” to you, because not everyone wants to look into the dictionary.
How to learn quickly?
Learning to write an essay is easy if you are interested in being able to write one.
First, read those authors who get them, then you will have a rough idea of what it is. Better to learn from those who already know how to write them. Literary men of varying importance to help you.
Second, practice and read them to your loved ones or teachers. You must listen to any criticism and make adjustments out of your depth.
The third point: form your opinion and study the issue that concerns you deeper, then it will be easier for you to write and you will feel more confident.
How to write an essay? With pleasure, if you are worried about the topic and you are ready to pour out your thoughts on paper. Good luck writing!