10 Tech Products to Watch Grow in 2021

When a new calendar year begins, the date isn’t the only thing that changes. In today’s digital age, technology is something that is constantly in flux. New products get released while existing products continue to evolve. In this article, we’ll talk about 10 tech products that you should invest in — or, at the very least, keep an eye on — in 2021.
1. Kids cell phones
As tech grows, so does the amount of risky content and dangerous malware that’s out there. For this reason, more parents are looking for a safe kids phone. Expect to see this type of tech product grow in 2021.
Large U.S. wireless providers will start offering safe phones for kids. Meanwhile, tech companies that already have an existing product will continue to innovate. The sky’s the limit for these companies. Kids and parents are both curious about continuous developments.
2. Smart TVs
The COVID-19 pandemic has stranded most Americans at home, remotes in hand. It’s no wonder that the U.S. smart TV market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10.5% over the first half of the decade. We’re in the midst of this growth right now, and it’s quite obvious if you look at products on the market.
The Samsung Frame is one smart TV product in particular that has grown in popularity. This standout product looks like a piece of art when it’s off, but acts as a smart TV when it’s on. Soon, every home will have a smart TV.
3. Voice-controlled technologies
We “ask Siri,” and our kids boss Alexa around. Voice-controlled technologies have been on the rise for some time now. This trend will only continue in the future, and some of the tech giants are already ahead of the game.
Expect to see the growth of these products and the following advancements:
- Streamlined conversations
- Greater compatibility and integrations
- Individualized experiences (voice recognition)
- Voice push notifications
As voice-controlled technologies evolve, they’ll have ever more uses in our everyday lives. As a result, the adoption of these products will become increasingly widespread in the coming years.
4. Mobile wallets
As mobile security improves and more vendors begin to accept electronic forms of payment, mobile wallet use will proliferate. Market research firm 451 Research predicts that mobile contactless payments will top $1 trillion by 2022.
Businesses will have to adapt to this change, true. For their part, mobile wallets must be easy to use and understand.
5. Wireless headphones
Wireless headphone technology has improved immensely over the last few years. This trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.
Consumers have a long wish list for this product, and there is still a lot of improvement to be made. Users want more fashionable designs, better noise cancellation, and improved audio experiences. Expect to see the tech giants coming out with new and improved products in the near future.
6. At-home smart workout equipment
In 2020, many people said goodbye to their gym memberships and hello to at-home workout routines. The coronavirus derailed our normal exercise regimens, forcing us to adjust the way we stay active.
Expect this trend to continue in 2021 with the popularity of products like the Tonal Smart Home gym. As the pandemic rages on, equipment like touchscreen cable machines brings the culture of the gym into your home in a safe and convenient way.
7. Doorbell cameras
There are a few big doorbell security camera brands — Ring, Google Nest — we’ve all heard of. You may be surprised to learn, though, that there are actually hundreds on the market.
These cameras are easy to set up and can be accessed from anywhere. They have facial and motion detection capabilities and can record everyone — and everything — that comes to your door.
In the future, experts predict that doorbell cameras will take over the home security market entirely. With advanced doorbell security technology, there will be little need for other home security systems.
8. Next-generation alarm clocks
Being jolted awake to the annoying sound of an alarm clock is never fun. Enter: the alarm clocks of the future.
In 2021, expect to see advancements in alarm clock technology. From alarm clocks that rouse you up by mimicking natural light to those that use scents to wake you up, it’s all happening right now.
Consumers love the idea of never having to hear the blaring of their alarm clock again. Better yet, many of these products use methods that are proven to be healthier and more effective ways of waking the body up.
9. Robot home technology
Home robots have been on the market for years. One of the most popular products is the iRobot Roomba — a robotic vacuum cleaner. It can avoid stairs and walls with its built-in sensors and clean your house all by itself.
The latest model of the Roomba is powered by artificial intelligence (AI). It is able to scan room sizes, spot obstacles, and recall the most efficient paths and methods. The newest Roomba also features speech recognition.
We may not have robot butlers in our homes anytime soon. But home robot technologies will continue to evolve in the years ahead as AI capabilities advance.
10. Wireless massage
If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that we can’t take anything for granted — even leaving the house. During the pandemic, it wasn’t easy to go have a self-care day. And going to get a massage was out of the question.
As a likely result, massagers featuring everything from multiple speeds to Bluetooth connection have become consumer favorites. Heated back massagers and other handheld devices will continue to grow in popularity. It’s never a bad time for self-care day at home, whether it’s mid- or post-pandemic.
Keep a close eye on these tech products in 2021. You may find that one tech product that changes your life.
There’s a reason that tech companies are always innovating and evolving — they’re trying to make their products better. They’re listening to consumers and adjusting to meet their needs and desires. Get ready for an exciting year in tech, where changes are happening faster than ever.