Class 12 physics: Last 30 days tips to ace your exam

Physics is a tough subject that involves numerous problem questions based on several concepts and techniques. A lot of students do not like this subject since they are unable to score good marks in it even though physics is a highly scoring subject. Students tend to make a lot of silly mistakes during the examination which results in a low score. However, this can be avoided by the proper implementation of a few techniques and steps. Read on to learn some of the useful tips that might help you score good marks in class 12th physics exams:
1. Memorise all important concepts
You must go through every concept mentioned in the NCERT physics class 12 pdf. It helps remember all the formulas and you can easily apply the concepts you’ve learnt when you encounter a question. Questions in your class 12 physics exam are asked mostly from the NCERT textbooks. Hence, go through your textbook thoroughly.
2. Stick with your syllabus
Many students try to prepare from reference books instead of using NCERT texts. Your exams will include questions based on concepts from the NCERT books. As a result, solving problems and examples from important textbooks should take precedence. You can study from other reference books once you’ve gone through your NCERT textbooks carefully.
3. Focus on your weak points
You should analyse your weak points and focus on questions you face difficulty in solving. You should take a look at your previously written answer sheets to identify your weaknesses so that you can work on them. Try to solve questions that you are unable to solve in the first attempt. Try to understand and learn the concepts these questions are based on and then try to solve them. Working on your weak areas will strengthen them and help you score well in your exam.
4. Learn the importance of time management
Studies suggest that the physics exam papers are lengthy and aren’t completed on time by the students. You should understand the importance of time management. It is crucial to study for more than 8 hours if you wish to score full marks in your examination. You can begin by reducing your sleeping time from 8 to 6.5 hours. Make use of that 1.5 hours to revise something new. Make use of your free periods in school to practice questions. Try to make neatly written notes and invest your time in self-study. This will help not only help in saving time but also improve your understanding of the concepts. Give equal time to all types of problems and leave nothing.
5. Practice from the sample and previous year question papers
Spend lots of time on solving questions from the sample and previous year question papers. This will help you score full marks as these are the ultimate keys to success. Save your time and money by not practising from reference books. You can find both sample papers and previous year question papers on the internet too for free. Solving these papers is enough to help you improve your preparations for the final examination. Take these papers seriously and solve them with a great amount of zeal. After solving them, check for answers and assess your scores. This will help in a fair analysis of your studying pattern. Look for your strengths and weaknesses and focus on the latter to improve your grades. Previous year question papers not only allow you to assess the exam paper’s difficulty level, but they also allow you to identify the repeated sequence of questions that are likely to appear on the exam paper. Sample papers are useful because they help you find out your true level of securing marks.
6. Focus on neatness
Try to write answers neatly and cleanly because representations matter too. Your answer sheet is the only thing based on which you will get your marks. The way you choose to write in your answer sheet makes an impact on your scores. A neat and clean answer sheet generally secures better grades as compared to an untidy answer sheet. You must know how to write a perfect answer in legible handwriting so that you score full marks. Work on your handwriting and practice writing answers neatly. Try to underline important parts of your answer and make boxes around the answers.
7. Relax a day before the examination
Do not get stressed and engage in any kind of revision at night. Try to be at peace and relax as much as you can. Make sure that you sleep earlier. This will help you remember things accurately during the examination.
8. Be confident
Get adequate sleep and get up early on the morning of your examination. Do a quick revision in the morning and don’t lose confidence. Go to school with a free and relaxed state of mind.
9. Read the question
Read every question three times during the examination. Make use of drawings or charts so that you get a better understanding of what the question is trying to ask. Attempt shorter questions first so that you can give an ample amount of time to lengthy questions. Do not waste too much time on a particular question or you won’t be able to complete your paper on time. While you are reading the question, form a strategy in your mind and then start writing the answer. When writing the solution, follow the step-by-step instructions. Remember to write in legible handwriting. After you’ve completed the task, have a look at the solution to double-check your work. Check that you’ve answered all of the questions and that you haven’t forgotten anything. When writing the solution, follow the step-by-step instructions. Remember to write in legible handwriting. After you’ve completed the task, have a look at the solution to double-check your work. Check that you’ve answered all of the questions and that you haven’t forgotten anything.
With these simple yet helpful tips, you will be able to score full marks in your class 12th Physics paper. You might feel anxious before the exam but trust your study method and be confident in your preparation. You will surely ace your exams. All the best!