10 Top Tips to Improve Memory to Score High in Exams

These days, children of even class 7 get overwhelmed with intense competition. They are required to study a wide range of subjects covering lots of chapters. It is important to study and memorize almost all the topics covered in the chapter to get good marks. Unfortunately, some students tend to forget the answers at the last moment, especially on entering the exam hall. This is mostly due to nervousness and an imaginative fear of getting all tough questions. The truth is even in easy papers, the students tend to make lots of mistakes just due to various reasons including nervousness. Some even fail to complete the syllabus on time. Going through ncert solutions for class 7 maths and other subjects can help you develop immense confidence in your abilities. Practicing regularly the same topic and chapter will allow you to remember them well. With some tips provided by experienced educational experts, you can score high marks as desired.
Tips to memorize the topics faster
- Prepare creative notes: Whenever you study any new topic or chapter, do make sure to prepare notes. This should be done while studying the topic/chapter and not later. Use one color to write questions, another for answers, another colored pen to mark vital points. Preparing notes especially in creative format is sure to assist you to remember the answers fast. You will not miss the important points.
- Walk before sitting for the actual exam: Walking improves your flexes and promotes better circulation to the whole body including the brain. This exercise does help to improve your brain and memory power. Doing exercise for 20 minutes before the exam is proven to improve overall performance.
- 10% rule: Prepare notes of at least 10% of all the topics that you have read. It helps you to memorize much faster as well as increase speed.
- Speak out loud when reading. Do not read silently. Studying aloud allows you to remember and recall different topics very fast.
- Take regular study breaks: This is something that is strongly advised by education experts from all over the world. If you study continuously for hours, then you are likely you feel bored and monotony sets in. Rather, you should take frequent breaks from your studies and indulge in any activity or hobby that you like. This allows your mind to be fresh and ready to take on new challenges and memorize tough questions easily. Remember to take only short breaks for just 45-60 minutes.
- Identify your weaknesses and strengths: This should be done at a very early stage. You need to find those topics, chapters, and subjects that you are weak or strong on. Study the tough and weaker ones several times to memorize them. Give them more time, write and practice. This will help you to be confident in your exam.
- Group study: Try to identify friends having the similar mentality, passion, and mission and form a group. Group study does offer plenty of benefits. You can derive new ideas, thereby enhancing your overall learning experience. You also get the opportunity to discuss with others, interact with them and share new ideas, thus making learning quite interesting. Cuemath encourages group studies.
- Avoid remaining awake the night before appearing for the exam: You need to get adequate sleep that is required to freshen your mind and body. It also assists you to remember the tough formulas.
- Do meditation: Meditation does offer plenty of benefits. You should take it out sometime early in the morning or anytime when you are free to meditate. Practice it regularly. This will improve your focus and make you more confident in life and ensure good health. Also, it helps improve memory power as well as deal with general exam stress.
- Study using diagrams: Diagrams enable you to visualize crucial information. Preparing diagrams allows you to recall tough questions while giving the exam.
Besides following the above tips, do remember to study NCERT solutions.