The creation of BITCOIN and the other cryptocurrencies that emerged later have caused various sensations in the economies worldwide. Mainly the countries have often been intimidated by the scope of these digital currencies. Visit at: https://www.bitql.cloud
Macroeconomic factors have been the primary modifiers of the economies of the world’s countries. One of the ones that have had the most impact is inflation. The most affected is always the final consumer or the general population.
When Satoshi Nakamoto decided to make known to the world the project of a digital currency that could become the currency of the future and help counteract the effect that inflation has on economies, very few took him seriously.
The Bitcoin project was born at the time of the greatest crisis in the United States, offering a financial tool that could end inflation and the abrupt issuance of Fiat currencies to solve the countries’ liquidity problems.
It’s been almost 14 years since this project came to light. So many people have decided to adopt it, and others still question it.
Nowadays, everything has become more attractive in the CRYPTOCURRENCYlandscape during so many social and economic changes and an ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.
The lack of support in the form of valuable assets, which digital currencies possess, and the absence of control over the operations executed on their blockchain platform, make more than one think about the reliability of the transactions and, of course, the security of the same.
If there is an issue that makes countries fear, it is the financial aspect; many are jealous of disclosing the economic and financial operations of a particular administration or government.
The fact that cryptocurrencies do not have a regulatory or controlling entity that can verify the operations carried out gives a lot to think about for the governments of the various countries since they could be facing a fraudulent scenario.
A futuristic vision of Bitcoin
After having been eyewitnesses to a pandemic (COVID-19) that made us disconnect from the real world and limit ourselves to the four walls of our homes, it not only panicked citizens but also the national executive of each country.
The fact that a country could stagnate because the production processes would not develop in the same way made many economies have to reinvent themselves.
It was there when cryptocurrencies were not so far-fetched for many countries but rather were evaluated as possible digital financial instruments that could contribute to their economic functioning.
Such is the case that many people are in search of a different source of income since they cannot attend their daily jobs found in cryptocurrencies, the lifesaver of domestic economies.
No entity has been created to regulate them, but this is one of the cryptocurrencies’ primary and most attractive characteristics. How decentralized they are, so much so that transactions do not incur commission payments, as happens in traditional banking entities.
Bitcoin arose to establish a new way of doing financial operations without third parties. Instead, only the users are in charge of verifying and approving the processes carried out.
Having a limited number of coins to be mined leads to the possibility that this coin could combat everything related to inflation from a digital perspective.
More and more countries join.
Cryptocurrencies are indeed volatile and risky that they have no support, much less legality, but more and more countries are joining the cryptographic proposals.
If we investigate, we will realize that even many countries are beginning to create their digital currencies, this with the purpose that in the face of a crisis or situation such as that of Russia and Ukraine, a blockade is not precisely the limitation for a country to stagnate at the level financial.
The ups and downs that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have experienced in recent months make us think that a complex political, media, and financial environment indirectly affects cryptocurrencies.
If there is one thing we can be sure of, the future adoption of cryptocurrencies will be massive; they represent an exciting resource and can contribute to the stability of many countries, not only developed or powerful but also some whose economies are complicated.
Transitions and changes are complex, more so for us who are resistant to change, but it is relevant to evaluate new investment tools and new economic and financial scenarios; cryptocurrencies are the economy’s future.