That’s Why CBD Oil Is On Everyone’s Lips

Great health trend and hot snack ice cream. CBD oil is praised both for its benefits as a skin care and for its health effects by everything from influencers to Hollywood celebrities.
Recently, however, the issue of the legality of the oil has been widely discussed.
CBD oil – for both health and skin
No one who is interested in health can have escaped the big CBD hype in the media and social media. Influencers and other public figures have praised CBD oil and its health benefits, both for internal and external use. As a dietary supplement, people testify that CBD oil has a calming effect and that they use it for everything from sleeping better to pain relief.
When it comes to skin care, both skin therapists and consumers say that CBD oil has soothing and healing properties on the skin. In addition, the oil is considered to fit extra well in products for mature skin due to its anti-aging effects.
– I have mainly seen positive effects on impure and sensitive skin, but also experience that CBD oil works on aged skin and in most types of imbalances. The market for CBD oil has grown very rapidly globally and we in Sweden are not late in catching up with these influences, says Emma Bergqvist, organic skin care therapist and founder of the distributor company Tree of Brands.
CBD oil is classified as a medicine
CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, which is one of over a hundred active cannabinoids that have so far been identified in the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. The psychoactive substance THC, which is classified as a drug and has mind-altering effects, is also extracted from the cannabis plant. Therefore, there has been some uncertainty about how CBD oil, which comes from the same plant,
should be classified. The Medical Products Agency claims that it is not completely clear whether it is possible to extract CBD from the plant without including THC. In addition, CBD is now classified as a medicine, which means that CBD oil may no longer be marketed as a health food in Sweden.
– It is illegal to sell oils or extracts that contain THC. However, it is legal to sell products with CBD oil that do not contain THC, says Marie Lodén, associate professor of experimental dermatology at the Eviderm Institute.
She works with safety investigations around ingredients and helps companies that manufacture skin care. For some time now, she has often been asked questions about CBD oil in particular.
– I usually say that you must be able to prove that a product does not contain psychotropic substances, such as THC. Otherwise they sell illegal products. Marketing products that contain cannabis is timely and provides publicity. There are many who are attracted by the effects attributed to the substances in the hemp plant. But if you find THC in the raw material or skin care product, you are therefore guilty of drug offenses, says Marie Lodén.
CBD oil is sold as a skin care product
The CEO of the Swedish company Mantle, Josefin Landgård, has invested heavily in products with CBD oil. Josefin, who is also the founder of the successful Kry app, got her eyes open for CBD when she was advised to test the oil to get help to calm down during a tough period in life. Josefin, and many with her, experience that CBD is balancing for
the body’s system.
– There are many studies that show the balancing effects that CBD has, both mentally and physically, and we think that consumers who want to buy CBD should be able to rely on them buying a good product. However, we were banned from selling our product, which contains pure CBD oil, in Sweden. Therefore, we focus only on skin care here, but we still sell our
pure CBD oil in several other countries. We have appealed the Medical Products Agency’s decision to the Administrative Court, which has up to 18 months to process the case, says Josefin and continues:
– The Medical Products Agency claims that we have marketed the product in a way that makes customers believe that it has a medical effect. We believe that is not true, says Josefin.
She says that Swedish authorities have stated that in the future they will follow EU rules that will come soon, where CBD is included in food legislation as a dietary supplement.
– Then all this will be a non-issue. We look forward to that, because the industry really needs to be regulated. Today, surveys show that many products do not contain what they promise. That was the reason why I chose to start my company, I felt that more credibility and good quality was needed in the CBD market.
This is CBD Oil
CBD oil is extracted from the plant Cannabis sativa. It is a fast-growing annual herb that has been cultivated for thousands of years. CBD is an abbreviation for Cannabidiol. It is one of the many chemical components found in the cannabis plant.
Interest in using CBD for health-promoting purposes has increased dramatically in recent years. Today we see CBD oil in everything from skin care products to oral drops. The Swedish Medicines Agency has, however, decided that products with CBD that are taken orally or that are inhaled must be approved as medicines in order to be sold. Unlike THC, which is also found in the cannabis plant, CBD has no psychoactive effect or any intoxication. THC as a substance is classified as a drug and by law may not be included in CBD products.