What is Digital PR, and How Do I Use it For SEO?

Digital PR stands for public relations, and it’s a type of marketing that doesn’t require a lot of effort from the person doing it. These days, almost anyone with an internet connection can share their opinion online and sell their services or products online. This has spawned the term digital nomad. It refers to people who own or work in the digital industry. Digital PR doesn’t involve going out and meeting with journalists, writing nice blog posts, or taking your company to events. It involves constantly improving your company’s online reputation (PR) and hitting the right social media buttons at the right time to get your message across to target audiences in a way they’ll both like and understand. Here’s more!
5 Ways to Use Digital PR for SEO
Now that you know what digital PR is, you need to maximize it in your business. But how can you use it for SEO? Read on to learn how to use it.
1. Understand & Optimize Your Website for Search Engines
You’ll need to make sure that your website is optimized for users and search engines. This can be done in a variety of ways, including:
• Optimizing your internal links,
• Optimizing your site and page titles,
• Adding keywords to your internal links,
• Adding keywords to your meta tags,
• Adding structured data markup,
• Providing information about the company,
• Providing contact information,
• Using semantic HTML5 code, and
• Valuing and keeping up-to-date with local SEO.
By ensuring that all of the above aspects are covered, you can ensure that search engine crawlers easily crawl through your content. This makes it easier for them to index new pages on your website, leading to increased traffic.
2. Regularly Release Well-Received Content on Your Blog (& Make Sure It Gets Indexed)
Google’s official blog is called “Google Search Central” (formerly known as Webmaster Central). It should tell you everything you need to know about having a blog. To rank well in search engines, Google must know everything about you and your website. A blog allows you to publicly write about news and updates regarding your company, products and services.
This is incredibly important as it shows Google and other search engines that you’re a real brand with something to say, rather than a scam website. It shows you are directly creating value in people’s lives by sharing news and information that they find valuable; therefore, they are more likely to share this content with their friends and colleagues (including Google). Blogging regularly is an excellent way to use digital PR to enhance SEO and increase brand awareness.
3. Link to External Websites That Are Relevant to Your Audience (And Make Sure They’ve Linked Back)
To pump up your SEO, you must try to get other authoritative websites in your industry and niche to link back to your blog or site. The best way to do this is to provide excellent and sharable content on these sites. You can do this by commenting on someone’s blog post or article and then linking back to another article you’ve written (or a relevant article on your own blog).
4. Have Clear Call to Action Buttons on Your Website
Digital PR encompasses more than just brand awareness. As a company, it is important to have a clear call-to-action (CTA) on your website visible on each page. This is the most crucial link on your website as it leads directly to the action you want people to take (such as sign up, buy something, or even refer a friend). A prompt such as click here would rake in more clients when they understand what they are clicking. In addition, having a link to an email list will help you build an email marketing campaign and contact list very quickly.
5. Improve Website Speed and Make It Mobile Friendly
Website speed is a crucial factor in ranking high in search engine results. In fact, Google has announced that they will start including page load speed as part of their algorithm for ranking websites. This means that slow-loading pages could cause you to drop in the rankings for popular search terms. However fast, loading pages will get a boost when users search for specific topics and content keywords relevant to your business or blog topic.
While SEO is not an overnight process, search engines such as Google constantly update their algorithm. This means that digital PR and other brand awareness tactics will also keep growing. As a website owner, you must be vigilant and perform constant audits of your site to ensure that it supports your ranking strategies.